Professional Development and Consulting
Are you or your business ready to build cohesive work teams, self-confident leaders, and a more engaged workforce? Contact me to learn what my clients say about how my coaching and professional development programs support positive team and organization-wide change and directly impact the bottom line.
Below is a sample of the programs and assessments I have designed and delivered to develop greater team cohesion, measurable outcomes, a more engaged work environment, and observable business results.
Partnering with leaders to integrate coaching into the business culture by prioritizing a cohesive coaching approach to how leaders grow and build their teams, engage in ongoing feedback, and improve employee morale and organizational performance.
New Program! Mentoring for Career Development is a customized three-month program using Everything DiSC® Workplace and Your Groups on Catalyst™ to improve employee morale and self-confidence, reduce turnover, and create stronger relationships between leaders and mentees.
Large Group Leadership Facilitation is a customized leadership learning session focused on engaging organizational leaders to improve communication and collaboration, learn how to give and receive feedback, and create an inspiring work culture.
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™
Everything DiSC® Management on Catalyst

“Some doors open only from the inside.”
– Hafiz
“The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge you gained.”
– David Bohm

Professional Development - Assessments and Resources
My clients have found adding one or more resources below can illuminate their growth areas, provide additional insights into blind spots, directly impact behavioral change, and foster more engaged coaching conversations.
All the resources and assessments I use support clients in achieving their professional growth as well as their leadership and business goals.
- Growth Edge Interview
- Immunity to Change
- The Leadership Circle Profile
- Mentoring for Career Development
- Navigating Polarities
- Group Coaching
- Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
- Everything DiSC® Management
- Everything DiSC® Agile E.Q.
- World Café
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i)
- Enneagram
To learn the benefits you, your leaders, or your organization
will gain from one or more of these resources,
contact me directly at [email protected].
Linda Denton, PCC, DTM
A People Development Company, Inc.
Leadership Development & Coach, Personal & Professional Development Consultant, Group Coach, Facilitator, Speaker. Loves Coffee, Hiking, and Jazz.
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